Kamis, 10 April 2014


Hallo!! Lia dateng lagi buat ngeposting. Jujur Lia sedih hari ini gagal streaming -_-" mungkin kayaknya Lia enggak bakalan bisa streaming deh :3 koneksi jelek banget disini, padahal udah diniatin biar bisa streaming M!countdown buat liat perfrom BTS yang makin cute sama lagu mereka JUST ONE DAY.

Ngobrolin MV baru mereka yang katanya nerusin promo album mereka yang SKOOL LUV AFFAIR ini, asli di MV ini mereka semakin Cute. kita tau waktu awalan mereka debut stylenya COOL abis, dan dengan lagu-lagu mereka tentang sekolah. dan kini di mini album kedua ini mereka semakin matang mungkin berubahan dari zaman anak-anak ke zaman puber kali yee.. soalnya dialbum ini mereka diceritakan sudah mengenal cinta-cintaan. *adoohh Jungkook jangan dulu pacaran masih sekolah!* haha..

di MV JUST ONE DAY ini yang bikin Lia klepek-klepek yang pastinya JUNGKOOK apalagi dia cute banget di MV ini-_-" *kayaknya jadi banyak yang suka sama jungkook deh* terus ada lagi yang bikin Lia makin klepek-klepek waktu bagian V ditengah itu loh, duhh mukanya cute banget.*boleh kali Lia bawa pulang buat dijadiin kakak*

Lia enggak bisa cerita lama-lama maaf ya. Lia kasih aja Videonya biar kalian bisa liat!


Okay! see ya...

Rabu, 02 April 2014

FanFiction/FF | cats: Namjoon BTS dll / tittel: "Aku Yang Keberapa"

Holla!hampir 3 bulan Lia enggak ngeblog akhirnya sekarang Lia sempetin buat ngeblog :)

Mungkin kali ini Lia enggak ngeposting banyak tentang bangtan. tapi Lia punya kabar gembira! Soalnya BTS akan comeback untuk melanjutkan promo mereka dengan lagu "Just One Day" dan kalau enggak salah Lia juga udah pernah ngeposting lirik lagunya dalan English Trans ya.

Oke! Kali ini Lia bakal ngasih kalian FanFic buatan Lia :) Sorry kalau FFnya jelek ^^
Happy Reading ~

Maaf kalau banyak tulisan yang salah ya :)

"Aku Yang Keberapa"

    Siang menjelang sore, seharian ini aku bersama Namjoon pergi bersama. dia baik kepadaku, aku tak pernah menuntut banyak kepadanya. yang aku minta adalah cinta yang dia berikan kepadaku tulus apa adanya dari hatinya. aku tak membutuhkan barang-barang yang dia berikan kepadaku, maksudku untuk apa semua benda ini? toh cinta lebih dari harga barang-barang ini.
"Makasih untuk hari ini"Ucapku
"kau terlalu banyak berterimakasih kepadaku jagiya"ucap Namjoon melepaskan tangannya dari tanganku
"mengapa? kau tak suka aku mengucapkan kata-kata itu?"tanyaku heran
"bukan begitu. tapi bukankah kau sering mengucapkan kata-kata itu terlalu sering"jawab Namjoon
"begini, aku sangat menyayangimu. jadi apapun yang telah kau berikan padaku aku patut berterimakasih padamu. seseorang yang mengucapkan terimakasih berarti dia yang, tau usaha seseorang yang telah mengeluarkan kerja kerasnya untuk memberikan sesuatu pada orang lain. barang itu memiliki nyawa jika yang memberikan barang itu menaruh sedikit usaha"aku menjelaskan semuanya kepada Namjon serta memegang tangannya.
    Kini Namjoon mengerti, lantas dia pamit pulang. aku tak mengerti mengapa dia tidak begitu ngeh~ dengan perkataanku. ahh~ lupakan mungkin dia hanya lelah hari ini.

    Aku berjalan di tengah keramaian kota seoul, aku bosan tinggal disini. semua saudaraku tinggal di Jeju sedangkan aku bersama kedua orang tuaku terdampar di Seoul. yang ramai, tak heran mengapa saudaraku enggan keSeoul, disini ramai sekali jarang aku mendapatkan kedamaian. Pagi ini aku memutuskan pergi ke Myeongdong entah mengapa aku sekarang jarang kesini, mungkin karena terlalu sering bersama Namjoon jadi aku jarang kesini.
Tadinya tak ada niat untuk membeli apapun, namun selagi disini kenapa tidak membeli sedikit baju ataupun mampir ke cafe.
"LEE HYUN MIN!!!!!!!"teriak seseorang. aku seperti mengenal suara itu, suara yang memanggil namaku dengan bahasa yang belum cukup fasih
"Lee, sudah lama aku tak bertemu denganmu. how are you?"tanyanya setelah sampai tepat didepanku
"tunggu, Heii.. PIK!"aku tiba-tiba mengingatnya. dia temanku! dulu saat aku berlibur diThailand aku bertemu dengannya. tepatnya sih saat ingin melihat konser salah satu boyband ternama diKorea yang saat itu mengadakan World Tournya.
"mengapa kau disini?"tanyaku
"nae in here for look my idol showcase and meet them in fansign"ucapnya menggunakan bhs inggris. sebenarnya aku tau dia bisa berbahasa korea namun, sepertinya dia sedang memamerkan speak englishnya dihadapanku
"alright! your english speak is well. i'm so glad finnaly we are meet again"balasku
"me too"ucapnya diiringi senyuman
"ahh~ how if you come to my home? not far from here"ucapku
"aku capek Lee, cukup disini kita memakai bahasa itu"ucap pik dengan muka melasnya
    Aku bercakap cukup lama dengan Pik, dia orang yang baik. dia banyak menceritakan pengalamannya sehingga dia sampai bisa datang ke korea. dari Thailand ke Korea tidaklah dekat. banyak yang ia lakukan agar dia sampai dapat berada disini sekarang. dia sungguh gadis yang hebat.
"disini hebat Lee. aku ingin tinggal lebih lama disini"ucap Pik dengan memandang seksama keramaian sekitar
"di Thailand pun tak kalah hebat Pik. aku sungguh kagum dengan negaramu"ucap Lee dengan membayangkan kembali 2 tahun lalu saat berada di Thailand
"oh ya Lee, kau sudah punya pacarkah?"tanya Pik tiba-tiba kini pandangannya mengarah kepadaku dan menatapku tajam
"takbisakah kau hilangkan tatapan elangmu itu. ne, aku punya"jawabku tersenyum
"kenalkan padaku. mungkin ini kali terakhir kita bertemu, mungkin aku tidak dapat datang kekorea lagi Lee. kalaupun aku bisa dikorea tahun depan karena beasiswaku diterima disini"ucap Pik menampakan muka murungnya
"baiklah akan aku kirim dia pesan singkat untuk datang kesini ne.aku yakin kau bisa Pik, dan kita akan sering bertemu. ahh memangnya kau akan melanjutkan di Unniv apa?"tanyaku
"banyak namun aku ingin sekali di Unniv Kyunghee *mianklosalahtulisannya* aku ingin mempunyai banyak teman permpuan korea disitu."
"aku pun menjadi mahasiswa disitu Pik, aku yakin kau dapat agar kita dapat sering bertemu."
"ne gomawo lee, ahh~ dimana NamjaChingu-mu"
"aku tidak tahu, kita tunggu saja di cafe itu"ucapku menunjuk salah satu cafe di Myeongdong

    Disaat aku hendak masuk aku melihat Namjoon dengan seorang permpuan, aku fikir itu Nunnanya jadi aku beranikan untuk menghampirinya begitupun dengan Pik yang mengekor dibelakangku.
"a..ah~ Lee"kaget Namjoon
"mwo? mengapa kau terlihat kaget? apakah dia Nunnamu yang kerap kali kau bicarakan?"ucapku tersenyum pada perempuan yang sedang duduk bersama Namjoon
"aku fikir dia bukan kakaknya Lee, lihat saja gadis ini terlalu muda untuk menjadi kakaknya"ucap Pik yang kini muncul dari belakangku
"benar juga pik, Lalu siapa dia oppa?"kini tatapan mataku tajam menatap Namjoon yang nampak kikuk
"Hey, Nunna.. nunna siapa? mengapa Nunna memanggil Namjoon Oppa dengan sebutan Oppa?"kini gadis itu mulai angkat bicara
"WHAT? YOU SAY HIS NAMJOON OPPA? WHO ARE YOU? I'M HIS GIRLFRIEND! oppa apa apaan semua ini hah? aku tak menyangka kau sejahat itu padaku"speak englishku keluar begitu saja, biarkan bocah tengik itu mengetahui perkataanku atau tidak
"aa.. Jagiya... mi..mianhae"
"ayo pik kita pergi dari sini"ucapku kemudian jalan terlebih dahulu
"ahh~ mianhae tapi aku pikir kau harus berbicara 4 mata dengan Lee itu pesanku jika kau memang benar2 mencintainya"ucap pik kemudian berlari menyusulku
    Namjoon terpatung dibangkunya sedangkan gadis itu juga meninggalkan Namjoon. kini dia sendiri. merenungkan kisahnya bersama Lee yang selalu membuatnya merasa nyamaan akan perkataanya yang selalu menghargai semua usahanya.
"Arggh! aku memang bodoh. Lee yang benar-benar menerimaku apa adanya kini menjadi benci kepadaku."sesalnya

"Aku pulang ya Lee, makasih atas semuanya XD kau jadi pemanduku selama korea, dan kau juga mau menemaniku ke fansign. aku sungguh benar-benar merepotkanmu"ucap pik saat mereka telah berada di bandara internasional Incheon
"uangku aku gunakan untuk membeli banyak album itu tak masalah. aku akan terus ikuti fansgin mereka untuk mu,akan aku ceritakan nanti semua yang mereka lakukan difansgin untukmu ne. mana ponselmu"ucapku. kemudian pik memberikan ponselnya dan memberikannya id katalkku.
"nah, kita bisa conntec sekarang"ucapku kemudian mengembalikan ponsel pik
"gomawo Lee, aku pergi dulu ya."ucap Pik berpamitan kepadaku
"ne, jika kau sudah sampai kirim aku pesan ne. see Pik"ucapku melambaikan tangan kepadanya. Pik tersenyum dan mengagguk, setidaknya setelah aku kehilangan Namjoon aku bertemu teman lamaku, dia sungguh gadis yang baik dan ceria. banyak cerita disaat aku bertemu dengannya mengikuti fansigin dengannya. dia gadis yang mudah bergaul dilingkungan manapun.
    Tiba tiba dari belakang terdengan suara seseorang berteriak memanggil keras namaku
"LEE HYUN MIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". dengan cepat aku meneloh, siapa sangka Namjoon.! mengapa dia ada disini? apakan Pik juga YeojaChingunya hah?
"LEE! mi.. mianhae, aku baru sadar kaulah yang tuhan kirimkan untuk ku. mianhae lee... kau tak boleh pergi!"ucap Namjoon dengan nafas tersengal-sengal
"kau ini apa-apaan huh?"ucapku heran
"kau tak boleh meninggalkan korea Lee! kau tak boleh pergi. kau tak boleh pergi meniggalkan aku"ucap Namjoon memegang kedua tanganku
"sadar Namjoon! kau sedang berbicara dengan siapa? aku! dan mengapa aku harus meninggalkan korea? aku pergi keluar negeri menyusul siapa? semua keluargaku berada di korea. kau mengapa begitu aneh"
"mwo? aku disni untuk mengantar Pik pulang kenegaranya THAILAND!"
"ta.. tapi, kemarin aku bertemu dengan pik, dan dia mengatakan bahwa kau akan pergi"
"kalau aku pergi dari korea dinegara orang lain aku harus jadi pemulung hah? tak memiliki saudara? OH MY GOD!"
"hahaha... berarti Namjoon sudah sadar Lee"ucap Pik yang tiba-tiba muncul
"PIK! pesawatmu!!!!!!!!!!!!!"teriakku
"ditunda beberapa menit, so.. "ucap pik terputus kemudian Namjoon melanjutkan
"saranghaeyo Lee"ucapnya. Lee bingung apa arti semua ini.
"mianhae, aku tidak bisa. aku bukanlah orang yang tepat Namjoon, banyak yang lebih baik dariku diluar sana. aku tidak bisa"
"mengapa lee?"justru perkataan itu muncul dari mulut pik
"enak aja aku diduain"ucapku kemudian pergi dari bandara.
    Mereka berdua terlihat cengo satu sama lain, namun akhirnya pesawat Pik akan berangkat. apapun kejadian ini Pik harus segera naik kepesawatnya agar dapat pulang kenegaranya. sementara Namjoon entahlah, kini hidup mereka ditentukan oleh mereka sendiri.


Thankyou for reading my story :) I love you so much my chingu ^^
you can follow my acc twitter @pripha98

Lirik Lagu Boy In Luv - Bangtanboys ( with English translate - Indonesian translate)


[Jungkook] Doegopa neoui oppa
Neoui sarangi nan neomu gopa
Doegopa neoui oppa
Neol gatgo mal geoya dugo bwa

[V] Wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
Wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
Wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
Heundeuneun geonde heundeuneun geonde
[Rap Monster] Appa, [Jungkook] appan daeche eotteoke
[J-Hope] Eomma [Jungkook] hante gobaekhan geonji
[Rap Monster] Pyeonji [Jungkook] rado sseoya doelleonji
[J-Hope] Mwonji, [Jungkook] ni apeseo nan meonji

[Rap Monster] Gwaenhi tiktikdaego ssikssikdaego jingjingdaege dwae
Naneun jinjihande jjijilhage sibina geolge dwae
Mwonde singyeong sseuyeo da keun nal aero mandeureo
Geokkuro dwijibeulkkyeo, inyeoneul yeonineuro

[J-Hope] Daehakkkajido neorang gandamyeon cham jal gal geot gata
Ganadaramabasaa hakunamatata!
Ttokgateun peuropil sajin wae jakku hwaginhalkka
Geureotago chakgakhajima swiun namja anya

[V] Andal nasseo na andal nasseo
[Jungkook] Niga mwonde?
[V] Neoman jallasseo?
Wae nareul jakku nollyeo nollyeo
Neo ije geuman hol’ up hol’ up

[Jungkook] Kkwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
Nae mami neol nochigi jeone
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[V] Niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

[Jimin] Kkwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
Nae mami neol nochigi jeone
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[Jimin] Niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

[V] Wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
Wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
Wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
Heundeuneun geonde heundeuneun geonde

[Suga] Geoteuron bad bad girl, sogeun deo bad bad girl
Na gateun namjal nochimyeon huhoehage doel geol
Mesinjeo hwaginhaenoko nureuji annneun neoui haengwi
“1″ jari eobseo jimgwa dongsie songman taji
Nebigeisyeonina salkkabwa
(Ppareum ppareum ppareum) eopilharyeogo
Gyesok nan (adung badung badung)
Jinsim? (I got ‘em) dwissim? (I got ‘em)
Naega yuilhage gatji motan geon neoui (areum areumdaum)

[Rap Monster] I naega eotteoke byeonhamyeon doegenni, hol’ up
Mildang? Eojang? Geureon geo nan jal molleo
Daesin apeumyeon 119 malgo nal bulleo
Niga ullamyeon ureo, useuramyeon useo, gureuramyeon gulleo

[Jin] Andal nasseo na andal nasseo
[Jungkook] Niga mwonde? Neoman jallasseo?
[Jin] Wae nareul jakku nollyeo nollyeo
Neo ije geuman hol’ up hol’ up

[Jungkook] Kkwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
Nae mami neol nochigi jeone
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[V] Niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

[Jimin] Kkwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
Nae mami neol nochigi jeone
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[Jimin] Niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

[Jungkook] Doegopa neoui oppa
Neoreul hyanghan naui maeumeul wae molla
[Jin] Nareul moreun cheokhaedo chagaun cheokhaedo
[Jimin] Neol mireonaejin motagesseo
[Jin] Doegopa neoui oppa
Neoui namjaga doel geoya dugobwa
[Jimin] Naui maeumi nege datorok
[Jimin/Jungkook] Jigeum dallyeogal geoya

[Jungkook] Kkwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
Nae mami neol nochigi jeone ([Jimin]nochigi jeone)
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[V] Niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

[Jimin] Kkwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
Nae mami neol nochigi jeone
[Jin/Jimin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[Jimin] Niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

English Translation:

I want to be your oppa
I’m so hungry for your love
I want to be your oppa
I’ll have you, just watch

Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Shaking up, shaking up

(Dad) Just how exactly did dad ask mom out?
Should I write you a letter?
What is this? I become like dust in front of you

You make me so angry and mad for no reason
I’m serious but you make me into a loser, who picks fights with you
Why do I care so much about you?
You’re making a big boy act like a little kid
But I’ll turn things around
From just knowing each other to becoming lovers

If it’s with you, I think I can go to a good college
ABCDEFGH Hakuna Matata
Your profile picture is the same but why do I keep checking it?
But don’t misunderstand, I’m not an easy guy

I’m getting nervous, I’m getting nervous
Who are you? Are you that great?
Why do you keep teasing me?
Just stop now, hold up, hold up

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Shaking up, shaking up

A bad bad girl on the outside
An even more bad bad girl on the side
If you lose a guy like me, you’ll regret it
You checked my text message but you’re not pressing send
The “1″ disappears, making me so anxious1
Maybe I’ll buy a GPS navigation
(Quickly quickly quickly) I keep trying to appeal to you (trying trying trying)
Genuine feelings? (I got em) Endurance? (I got em)
The only thing I don’t have is your beauty beauty beauty

How should I change for you? (hold up)
Playing mind games? Two-timing? I don’t know how to do that
But if you’re ever sick, don’t call 911 but call me
Tell me to cry, I’ll cry, tell me to smile, I’ll smile, tell me to roll around, I’ll roll around

I’m getting nervous, I’m getting nervous
Who are you? Are you that great?
Why do you keep teasing me?
Just stop now, hold up, hold up

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

I want to be your oppa
Why don’t you know my heart for you?
Even if you ignore me
Even if you act cold, I can’t push you out of my mind

I want to be your oppa
I will be your man, just watch
So that my heart can touch yours
I will run to you right now

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

 Indonesia Translate :

Aku ingin menjadi oppa mu
Aku ingin mengejar untuk cinta mu
Aku ingin menjadi oppa mu
Aku harus Anda , hanya menontonKenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Mengguncang , mengguncang

( Dad ) Hanya bagaimana tepatnya ayah meminta ibu keluar ?
Haruskah aku menulis surat ?
Apa ini ? Aku menjadi seperti debu di depanmuKamu membuatku begitu marah dan marah tanpa alasan
Aku serius tapi kamu membuatku menjadi pecundang , yang
mengambil perkelahian dengan kamu

Mengapa aku peduli semua hal tentangmu  ?
Kau membuat anak dewasa seperti anak kecil
Tapi aku akan membalikkan keadaan
Dari hanya mengenal satu sama lain untuk menjadi cintaJika itu denganmu , aku pikir aku bisa pergi ke perguruan tinggi yang baik
 ABCDEFGH Hakuna Matata
Gambar profilmu tetap sama tetapi mengapa aku terus menerus mengecek itu ?
Tapi jangan salah paham , aku bukan orang yang mudahAku mulai gugup , aku mulai gugup
Siapa kau ? Apakah kamu orang besar ?
Kenapa kau terus menggodaku ?
Hanya berhenti sekarang , tunggu , tunggu

Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkanmu pergi
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Apa yang kamu inginkan?

Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkanmu pergi
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Apa yang kamu inginkan?

Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Mengguncang , mengguncang

Seorang gadis terlalu buruk di luar
Seorang gadis yang buruk bahkan lebih buruk di sisi
Jika kau kehilangan orang sepertiku , kamu akan menyesal
Kamu memeriksa Pesanku tapi kamu tidak menekan send
The " 1 " menghilang , membuatku begitu anxious1
Mungkin aku akan membeli navigasi GPS( Cepat cepat cepat )
Aku terus berusaha untuk menarikmu ( mencoba mencoba mencoba )
Perasaan yang tulus ? ( Aku punya em ) Ketahanan ? (Aku punya em )
Satu-satunya hal yang tidak kumiliki adalah kecantikanmu cantik cantik

Bagaimana aku harus berubah untukmu? ( tahan )
Bermain permainan pikiran ? Dua - waktu ?
Aku tidak tahu bagaimana melakukan hal ituTapi jika kamu pernah sakit , jangan menelepon 911 tapi panggil aku
Katakan menangis , aku akan menangis , beritahu aku
untuk tersenyum , aku akan tersenyum , katakan padaku
untuk berguling-guling , aku akan berguling-guling

Aku mulai gugup , aku mulai gugup
Siapa kau ? Apakah Anda bahwa besar ?
Kenapa kau terus menggodaku ?
Hanya berhenti sekarang , tunggu , tunggu

Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkan Anda pergi
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Apa yang kamu inginkan?

Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkan Anda pergi
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
 Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Apa yang kamu inginkan?

aku ingin menjadi oppamu
Mengapa kamu tidak mengerti hatiku untukmu ?
Bahkan jika kamu mengabaikanku
Bahkan jika kamu bertindak dingin , aku tidak bisa
mendorongmu keluar dari pikiranku

Aku ingin menjadi oppamu
Aku akan menjadi kekasihmu , hanya melihat
Sehingga hatiku dapat menyentuhmu
Aku akan lari ke kamu sekarang
Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkanmu pergi
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Apa yang kamu inginkan?

Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkan kamu pergi
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang kamu inginkan
Apa yang kamu inginkan?

please take credit ; http://priphaoktiliana.blogspot.com/

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Lirik Lagu "Outro : Propose" BTS English Translate

Hollla!!!!!!! Ini dia last Track! akhirnya kita sampe diujung postingan.
ini track terakhir di album mini keduanya bangtanboys aka BTS.
ngobrol bentar kali ya, Lia kan A.R.M.Y barang kali ada yang ngunjungin Blognya Lia bisa keles jawab pertanyaan Lia yang ini. Lia pengen punya temen A.R.M.Y. ini sungguh" lohh, mungkin karena Lia kudet jadi Lia pengen punya temen A.R.M.Y yang banyak. oke lah please jawab pertanyaan Lia ya :)
  1. Suka sama Bangtanboys aka BTS gak?
  2. kamu ARMY?
  3. Biasnya siapa di BTS?
  4. Sejak kapan suka sama BTS?
  5. Apa sih yang bikin kamu suka sama BTS?
Okay! mungkin cuma itu, yang ngunjungin blog Lia dan liat postingan ini please jawab ya thankyou.

Ini dia Track List ke-10!

 BTS – Outro : Propose

I give it to you
Although it was a bit awkward, I want to give it all to you
I give it to you
To me, who sometimes cries and laughs, it’s only you
For you

The moment I first saw you
With short hair and a pretty school uniform
I only remember that image
You can’t go anywhere
You have to only look at me too

I don’t know why my heart is like this
I only think of you always
I’ll become a rhythm and a song
And sing it for you

(Good to you)
I only have you
(Good to you)
Even if I’m far away
Always stay by my side
(Good to you)
You’re my everything
Even if the difficult tomorrow comes
Hold my hand

I give it to you
Although it was a bit awkward, I want to give it all to you
I give it to you
To me, who sometimes cries and laughs, it’s only you
For you
(Good to you)
(Good to you)

Good to you

Lirik Lagu "JUMP" BTS English Translate

Track ke- 9.
hoamm.. jujur Lia udah ngantuk. mau di terusin besok tapi nanggung tinggal track ke-9 dan ke-10 XD
yuk capcusss!


(Let’s jump!) Throw your hands up and scream together, pump it up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your hands up and scream together, jumpin up
(Let’s jump!) Let’s jump
(Let’s jump!) Pay attention
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands to the sky and scream together, jumpin up

Everybody say

(Let’s jump!) All the dreamers
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your worries away
Let’s jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

(Let’s jump!) All the dreamers
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your worries away
Let’s jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

The hero you’ve dreamed of since you were young
We used to jump, wanting to be heroes
But now we’ve grown and time has passed
You’re becoming an adult but I wanna rewind
To the times when the 10-year-old boy sang the theme song to his favorite superhero comic
I wanna go back so I close my eyes and scream
But nothing changes, reality is the same

No matter who tries to stop me
I will go on my way
You only live once
Leggo (Leggo!)
Leggo (Leggo!)
Even if I live for a day
I’ll have no regrets
Let’s jump
Let’s jump! (Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!)

(Let’s jump!) Throw your hands up and scream together, pump it up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your hands up and scream together, jumpin up
(Let’s jump!) Let’s jump
(Let’s jump!) Pay attention
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands to the sky and scream together, jumpin up

Everybody say

(Let’s jump!) All the dreamers
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your worries away
Let’s jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

(Let’s jump!) All the dreamers
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your worries away
Let’s jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

2007 is when my life changed
It’s been 7 years since I’ve sang
A killer of girls’ hearts
But sometimes, I go back to those frustrating times
Facing myself, who was like a white piece of paper
That encounter awakens a different me
Now I’ll go up on stage and surprise everyone by jumping like Jordan

Go back a few years
Taking out the trampoline from the corner of the room and jump around in the air
You used to feel the joy of each jump, feeling like you have everything
Letting myself go to the innocent dreams
My childhood days was impatient to be an adult
But each day was filled with joy
So can I be the one, juss can i be the one
that i.. stop

(Let’s jump!) Throw your hands up and scream together, pump it up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your hands up and scream together, jumpin up
(Let’s jump!) Let’s jump
(Let’s jump!) Pay attention
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands to the sky and scream together, jumpin up

Let’s jump & down, we are here, we are BTS
Beat down, if you’re ready, put your hands up high
It’s different from what you’ve dreamed of when you were little
But we have met, we’re heroes, rappers in training
Now jump to the stage, we are the new generation heroes

Seven heroes-in-training, who were once immature, making a jump sound
Instead of a trampoline, the place I need to jump on is the stage, crazily, up down
Now don’t just talk about it, it’s time to spread my wings and go, let’s get it started
Spread your shoulders, rock your body, empty your head, let’s go party

(Let’s jump!) All the dreamers
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your worries away
Let’s jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

(Let’s jump!) All the dreamers
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your worries away
Let’s jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

(Let’s jump!) All the dreamers
(Let’s jump!) Put your hands up
(Let’s jump!) Throw your worries away
Let’s jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

Lirik Lagu "Spine Breaker (등골브레이커)" BTS English Translate

Track List ke- 8

BTS – Spine Breaker (등골브레이커)

With shoes worth a couple hundred, padded jacket worth a couple thousand
With a watch worth a couple hundred, you feel good about yourself
Education goes over the hill and the student identity goes over the hill too
The class system of the 21st century is divided into two

Those who have and those who haven’t
Those who wear the shoes and those who don’t
Those who have the clothes and those who don’t
And those who try hard to get those things
What’s going on? Are you falling behind on the trend?
You whined and complained to get it, did I strike a nerve?
In the padded jacket, your greed fills it up
Even after seeing your parents’ curved spines, you’re so coldhearted
You complain that all your friends have it and that they should buy it for you
(Ayo baby) stop being so immature
You won’t freeze just because you don’t have that jacket
Fill your head with good sense before it’s too late

Wow, it feels good, putting on your dirty clothes
You’re something different, rockin, rollin, swaggin, swagger, wrong!
What is wrong with you? You’re crazy baby
That is what will suffocate your heart, dirty clothes

(La la la la la la la la la)
You are a spine breaker
(La la la la la la la la la)
Your parent’s spine breaker
(La la la la la la la la la)
Some day, you’ll regret it
(La la la la la la la la la)
Those damn spine breakers

What’s up, kid? You don’t know how good you have it these days
Maybe I’m crossing the line for butting in other people’s lives
Why do you keep saying those empty words?
I’m saying I’ll spend my own money that I received
You’ll only be satisfied if I spend my money like you spend yours
Please go take care of yourself
It’s about your life, if you were me, I wouldn’t say anything
Yeah, my jacket is really expensive and not pretty at all
(But I say) I really want it so what do I do?
Friends who are poorer than me have it too
(And I say) I have no choice but to buy it if I don’t wanna be an outcast
People my age are all like this
Yeah I dunno, yes I’m loco, is it no-no?
I know they ain’t cheap but they got mojos
But I do what I gotta do, I don’t break my parent’s spines
The true beaker is you, who is old and stuck in your room

Wow, it feels good, putting on your dirty clothes
You’re something different, rockin, rollin, swaggin, swagger, wrong!
What is wrong with you? You’re crazy baby
That is what will suffocate your heart, dirty clothes

Dirty clothes for you, dirty clothes for me
Everyone experienced it before
Wearing expensive clothes and walking on the street, feeling good about yourself
Everyone looks smaller than me like I’m Gulliver
Whatever you wear, I understand but you’re too much
You’re gonna regret it
You can keep your swag on but how about your parents?
Fine, I won’t stop you but make a decision now

Wow, it feels good, putting on your dirty clothes
You’re something different, rockin, rollin, swaggin, swagger, wrong!
What is wrong with you? You’re crazy baby
That is what will suffocate your heart, dirty clothes

(La la la la la la la la la)
You are a spine breaker
(La la la la la la la la la)
Your parent’s spine breaker
(La la la la la la la la la)
Some day, you’ll regret it
(La la la la la la la la la)
Those damn spine breakers

Lirik Lagu "BTS Cypher PT 2: Triptych" BTS English Translate

Next Next nextttttt.. track ke -7 guys!

BTS – BTS Cypher PT 2: Triptych

Because of who? Because of J-Hope
Because of who? Because of Rap Mon
Again, because of who? Because of Suga
All of the style and flow is because of Bang Tan

The kids who will lead the 21st century Hallyu has started to play
We’re seven wolves, gathering the lambs with a trap
We pull through all the broken rap from now on
We keep driving forward, giants on the beats
Bang Tan cypher right here, psycho right here
Whoever’s in the ring, we’ll win, rap fighter right here
I’ll say hi, you’ll say bye, a burnt tire, we’re different
Fire, hot choir, captivating K-Pop like PSY
My rap is huge, I’ll say right in your ear, bug that
Our riots got successively stronger
Don’t need long explanations, just explain with a rap
BTS, follow the leader, let’s go now

I’m a rap wiper, a complete psycho, if I’m a dicer, then I have all the dice
Cypher, if you’re nice, I’m nicer
If you’re Pride, then I’m a Chrysler, that means I’mma priceless
Who are you to judge my rap? Rapper?
This is One Piece, I’m a Whitebeard, you just have long beards like catfish, bucket
Hehe haha, honk honk, 300 per hour
I’m going through the process of working hard
I won’t discriminate but catch them all, tombstone, knock knock knock out
Fire in the hole beat BING BING POW POW, you’ll cry and look for your dad
My voice constricts the voices of the plain rappers at all times, like the PC cafe closing
This is a kingdom, I’m a king, you’re dumb
I’m chew you and swallow, you’re bubblegum
On top of the running man is the flying man
On top of the flying man is the one who rides on him
That’s me, beat, a badder guy than Rain
Like rags, I just hang it up, after I play with it, I rip up your eardrums, boom boom boom
This is the curse of my dawn, a nightmare, a riot, serial murder, theft, doom doom doom
You’re like a Katalk with no friends, no reason to look
Did you already wet your pants? Sorry, there’s no bathroom
I’m commanding you, let go of the mic and get up
Just do the “chun” because you have no “shil”1
I’ll push you out because I really don’t like you
I’m good at sewing, putting it into practice
I’m growling right now, you’re in a bit of danger
Just do the “yeon,” like I said, you have no “shil”2
Rise and rise to the sky but get ripped, bucket, I’ve forgotten you
My voice, my hegemony, I made it from one to ten
I put the whole world on my tongue
I play with big boys, I ain’t spittin low sh
On the CD or the TV, you can see me, envy me, it’s a pity, gee gee
Beat I’mma monster I rap with a prospect, yeah I rap with a mindset I’m a suspect
Sucka where yo rhymes at where you lines at? I’m da king, I’m the god so where ma emperors at?
I parachute on my Neverland, I’mma peter pan, so this will never end
You know when I ride on my G5 you sit first class and satisfy and I keep giggling
Keep gigglin, keep jigglin, bring yo booking mic beat, wanna have a go?
Hyungs who are sick with pride and strange beliefs get lost after 8 measures
You old catepillars, I’ll give you this beat, give it a try
Hey, start talking when you can start rapping
There should be a law restricting you from rapping

Because of who? Because of J-Hope
Because of who? Because of Rap Mon
Again, because of who? Because of Suga
Us three gather together and shout out a new generation
Because of J-Hope
Because of who? Because of J-Hope
Because of who? Because of Rap Mon
Again, because of who? Because of Suga
The next batter will rap on top of this beat

My domain is dopeman.com, scolded many with a mic
Speech and action are like shackles, my crime is assault with my tongue
You’re so bad ever since you were born
If you’re gonna whine about this beat, just leave
Look at the arrogance of the hip-hop con artists
When you were playing underground, BTS was playing at ground level
Compared to you who sleeps all night, I’m a workaholic, shoppaholic
Overspending on my pens that are more in number than your fans, if I go all in and shoot, it’s a goal in
Goal in, I’m ballin, when I hear your rap, I’m about to throw up
My voice even bewitches your girlfriend
The studio is my playground, my partner is a pen and paper
You think being escorted makes you powerful, I hope you put down your mic
If I’m the sun, you’re the moon, because when I rise, you go down
All you hip-hip designer brand bastards, come down from the foamy bubbles
Hey you brats, your crappy rap is a burden to others
Take a break and wait, just go to Hawaii, go home
See how far I go, all the rotten roots will be replaced
Everyone, let’s play a game, without efforts, you’ll just be grieving
You think you can do music? Just go look for a part-time job
Although your short and thin career will get you nowhere
I hope you survive, keep rotting away, that’s your label
Your life is like a mudfish, your rap is recycled
You save up and divide up the flow, write it up and use it again
Hey beat, know that you’re embarrassing, just with 24 measures, you lay down sick
Compared to your size, your rap is so thin
Like your parents, my heart hurts every time I see you
I’ll put a period at the artery of your music career

Lirik lagu "Tomorrow" BTS English Translate

Next Track List ke-6 yaitu TOMORROW! wow...

 BTS – Tomorrow

Same day, same moon
24/7 every moment repeats
My life is in between
Jobless twenty-somethings are afraid of tomorrow
It’s funny, you think anything is possible when you’re a kid
When you feel how hard it is to get through a day
Keep feeling like the “Control” beat, keep downloading it
Every single day is a repetition of ctrl+c, ctrl+v

I have a long way to go but why am I running in place?
I scream out of frustration but the empty air echoes
I hope tomorrow will be different from today
I’m just wishing

Follow your dream like breaker
Even if it breaks down, oh better
Follow your dream like breaker
Even if it breaks down, don’t ever run backwards, never

Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest
Even in the far future, never forget the you of right now
Wherever you are right now, you’re just taking a break
Don’t give up, you know

Don’t get too far away, tomorrow
Don’t get far away, tomorrow
Don’t get too far away, tomorrow

The tomorrow we’ve been waiting for becomes the name of yesterday at some point
Tomorrow becomes today, today becomes yesterday, tomorrow becomes yesterday and is behind me
Life isn’t about living along but living through
As you live through, you’ll disappear some day
If you keep spacing out, you’ll be swept away, if you ain’t no got the guts, trust
It’ll all become yesterday anyway so what’s the use?
I wanted to become happy and strong but why am I getting weaker?
Where am I going? I’m going here and there but I always come back here
Yeah, I’ll probably flow somewhere, is there an end to this maze?

I have a long way to go but why am I running in place?
I scream out of frustration but the empty air echoes
I hope tomorrow will be different from today
I’m just wishing

Follow your dream like breaker
Even if it breaks down, oh better
Follow your dream like breaker
Even if it breaks down, don’t ever run backwards, never

Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest
Even in the far future, never forget the you of right now
Wherever you are right now, you’re just taking a break
Don’t give up, you know

Don’t get too far away, tomorrow

Tomorrow, keep walking, we’re too young to stop
Tomorrow, open the door, we see too much to shut the door
When the dark night passes, a bright morning will come
When tomorrow comes, the bright light will shine so don’t worry
This isn’t a stop but just a pause in your life for a break
Turn up your thumbs and press play so everyone can see

Follow your dream like breaker
Even if it breaks down, oh better
Follow your dream like breaker
Even if it breaks down, don’t ever run backwards, never

Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest
Even in the far future, never forget the you of right now
Wherever you are right now, you’re just taking a break
Don’t give up, you know

Don’t get too far away, tomorrow
Don’t get far away, tomorrow
Don’t get too far away, tomorrow

Lirik Lagu "Just One Day (하루만)" BTS English Translate

Next track List 2nd Mini Album BTS "SKOOL LUV AFFAIR"

BTS – Just One Day (하루만)

If only I had just one day
I want to peacefully fall asleep intoxicated with your sweet scent
If there’s a chance in my busy schedule
I want to put my body in your warm and deep eyes
I like that, your long, straight hair
Your breathtaking neck when you put it up and the strands that fall out
Wherever we go, my handbag is your waist
Yo ma honey, whenever I see you, I run out of breath
Like the streets of Myungdong, our BGM is the sound of breathing
Your voice when you say my name
I wanna be locked in you and swim in you, I want to know you more
An explorer venturing through your deep forest of mystery
I appreciate the masterpiece that is you because your existence alone is art
I imagine this all night every day because it’s a meaningless dream anyway

Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day, if I can hold your hands
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day (just one day)

If only we can be together
(Do It Do It Do It)
I hope I can be with you for just one day
(Do It Do It Do It)

Having a party party with only you
(Do It Do It Do It)
I hope I can be with you for just one day
(Do It Do It Do It)

A party party with only you
If only I could do that, how nice would it be
If only we could go anywhere to eat and watch a movie comfortably
I would do anything girl
I’m sorry, maybe I’m too rational
But still, if you see me some day, smile
Maybe you resent me a little or no, a lot
I know, I couldn’t look at you more because of my dream
Then just give me one day, even if it’s in my dream, just one day
Out of all those words I had to swallow because of the excuse of reality
I’ll pick one and tell it to you for sure
Let’s meet when the lilies bloom and say goodbye when they wither
I didn’t think I’d get over you easily but
Is it selfish of me to hope you are the same?
I’m still lying, saying that it’s all for you
You are standing in the center of my life

Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day, if I can hold your hands
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day (just one day)

If you are and I are together, let’s go time
24 hours, if I could only be with you
I’d kiss you starting from the morning
Can’t forget to grab some brunch
I’d hold your hand and soak up the sun
It’s not over yet, in the middle of a beautiful night
I’ll confess to you, with the moon as our light
All of these things tell me

“If I have just one day, it’s possible”

Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day, if I can hold your hands
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day (just one day)

If only we can be together
(Do It Do It Do It)
I hope I can be with you for just one day
(Do It Do It Do It)

Having a party party with only you
(Do It Do It Do It)
I hope I can be with you for just one day
(Do It Do It Do It)

If only we can be together
(Do It Do It Do It)
I hope I can be with you for just one day
(Do It Do It Do It)

If only we can be together

Can you please stay with me?

Lirik Lagu "Where Did You Come From (어디에서 왔는지)" BTS English Translate

Next Track List on 2nd Mini Album BTS "SKOOL LUV AFFAIR"
berhubung track list ke-2 yaitu Boy In Luv dan Lirik itu udah Lia posting di postingan yang lalu kita next ya, langusng ke track ke-4 karena mungkin jangan banyak bacot kali ya XD. Lia sering curhat di blog -_-"
yang belum tau bisa scroll ke bawah deh XD

BTS – Where Did You Come From (어디에서 왔는지)

Girl, where did you come from?
What a mystery, where are you going?
How old are you? Are you older than me?
You’re not? Then I’m your oppa!
(Awesome) Your face is so small and pretty
You look fresh like a salad, so smooth
Did you eat? I’m not just hitting on you
Wanna get a cup of coffee? Is coffee okay?

Pretty eyes, pretty nose, you’re so pretty
Just looking at you makes me happy
But where did you come from? You’re so pretty
Cupid’s arrow pierced my heart
Anyway, you’re such a fair lady
Any guy can fall for you after looking at you
I need to approach you before someone else steals yo
I will bite down on you first

Where did you come from?
Will you tell me your name?
I’m so curious
I’m really so curious

Where did you come from?
Will you tell me your name?
I’m so curious
I’m really so curious

I’m from Busan, you’re from Gwangju
But we’re the same
Even here in Seoul, even there in Jeju Island
Everyone is in love, oh yeah

Stop playing hard to get before I kick you in the butt
Don’t make me mad, before I change my mind
That guy is no good, are you acting this way because of him?
Of course I’m mad because you like him and not me
Girl, are you joking? Are you blind?
The world is covered with guys like that
That guy only knows himself
My heart is all yours now, I only know you

Oh my, look at what this girl is doing to me
What she’s doing to me is no joke
If you keep doing that, my heart will be trembling
My hands will shake and I’ll run out of breath
Are you saying you like me right now?
Is that how you feel right now?
I guess you are attracted to Jeolla-do guys
Oh right, where are you from again?

Where did you come from?
Will you tell me your name?
I’m so curious
I’m really so curious

Where did you come from?
Will you tell me your name?
I’m so curious
I’m really so curious

I don’t care if you’re from the moon or the stars
You’re the same as me
You’re a cool girl
I’m a pretty cool guy too
We have no choice but to fall in love
Yeah I’m fallin in love
Where did you come from?
Will you tell me your name?
I’m so curious
I’m really so curious

Where did you come from?
Will you tell me your name?
I’m so curious
I’m really so curious

I’m from Busan, you’re from Gwangju
But we’re the same
Even here in Seoul, even there in Jeju Island
Everyone is in love, oh yeah

Lirik Lagu "Intro: Skool Luv Affair" BTS English Translate

Hai! berhubung Lia lagi sering ngestlak tentang Bangtanboys aka BTS, dan mereka belum juga ngadain fansign padahal Lia lagi nubgguin fansign mereka. Lia enggak ke Korea kok cuma pengen liat fancam sama Fantaken para fans yang bisa ngikut fansign. kekee~

Kali ini Lia mau ngeposting Lirik lagu diList Track Album Mini ke 2nya bangtan SKOOL LUV AFFAIR.
PERPOSTINGAN ya.. Sorry banget XD

 BTS – Intro: Skool Luv Affair

First encounter, first text, first phone call
First date, first kiss
In our own space, I want everything to be a first with you
I have an eating disorder, whatever I eat, I’m still hungry for you
The word “addiction” can’t express all of this
Describing a girl like you is impossible, it transcends the poetic
It’s because of you, like a capital letter, I want to place you first in my life
A good house, a good car, those things can’t be happiness but I want to give it to you

(“Hold on, hold on, turn off the music for a second”
“Hyung, this isn’t it, hyung”
“What’s up with that last line ‘doo go bwa’ (which means ‘just wait’)”
“It’s actually ‘joo go pa’ (which means ‘want to give you’)”
“Oh really? Well let me show you my style. Give me the music! Yeah, that’s right, this is it! Hyung, this kinda style! Love should be hopeful!”)

Confessing my love without hesitating is my style
If it’s for you, I’m the type to sacrifice my body
I’ll always shine the light on you girl
This is a love stage for you and me
We’re blinded by love, sweet and playful
Our future is bright and dazzling, colorful
If I have you, it’s like I have everything, like a milli
The door of love has opened now with you, go in

(“Ahh, this is awesome! Love should be hopeful!”
“How can life always be hopeful? This is not the Bang Tan style.”
“Then what is it?”
“Bang Tan style is hip-hop”
“Let’s go”)

BTS, the way we love
Whether you’re in your teens or twenties, love is all the same
RM, so now I’m telling you the story
I loved this much before, how about you?
This is just an intro shouting bout my whole mind and body
You know that her refusals and bad words could never stop me
They could never retard me, this is my ideology
Who in the world can dampen my heart’s blood? Nobody
(Wassup) I’ll ask you again (Wassup) How about yo?
If you haven’t loved yet, how about doing it like me?
A person’s emotions is so strange
I’m the one who makes you smile but you go to the bastard who makes you cry
(I said) Yeah that’s love (I said) yeah that’s love
Some may call me a loser but I’m really OK
As if I’ve never been hurt by love before
As if I’ll give even more when she takes away my all

When in love, be passionate
When you’re singing, make it prickly
Passionate and prickly

When we’re in love, we’re passionate
When we’re singing, we’re prickly
Passionate and prickly

This is Bang Tan style
This is Bang Tan style
This is Bang Tan style
Bang Tan style, Bang Tan style

Senin, 17 Februari 2014

This is not Luck

Hidup bukanlah berasal dari KEBERUNTUNGAN. Lia jadi Intropeksi diri sekarang, baru aja tadi Lia liat postingan disalah satu blog tentang mungkin "Curhatannya". Lia bener-bener mengerti, keberuntungan bukanlah hal yang kebetulan. janganlah seenaknya kalian mengatakan keberuntungan kepada seseorang. mungkin saja, mereka akan merasa tersinggung.

Keberuntungan bukanlah sebagian dari Hidup teman...
namun Hidup adalah takdir yang harus dijalani tanpa adanya keberuntungan, karena keberuntungan tidak akan hadir dihidup kita. mungkin banyak orang mengatakan sesuatu yang tak mereka duga adalah keberuntukan mereka. namun sebenarnya keberuntungan itu adalah USAHA yang kita tuai, seusai melakukan sebuah kegiatan ataupun apalah namanya.

Lia jadi sadar Nilai Ulangan yang setiap minggunya Lia terima bukanlah NILAI KEBERUNTUNGAN melainkan usaha yang Lia lakukan demi mendapatkan nilai itu.
mungkin itu contoh sederhana dari opini Lia, tentang postingan kakak yang punya blog yang tadi Lia baca.

kakak pemilik blog itu merasa hidupnya bukanlah keberuntungan, namun itu mungkin usaha yang ingin dia lakukan Itu pandangan Lia dari postingan yang Lia baca diblog itu. jika kalian baca postingan kakak itu, pasti kalian akan lebih mengerti betapa marahnya ehh.. mungkin bukan marah namun seperti perasaan kesal yang dia rasakan. Lia juga ngerti mengapa usaha yang dia lakukan dengan keras dan sejauh itu mengaoa dianggap oleh beberapa orang adalah keberuntungan belaka saja! WHY?. so, please!

Janganlah mengatakan kepada seseorang, bahwa seseorang itu beruntung!
please take care for your friend's or anyting in your live.

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Lirik Lagu BTS (Bangtan Boys ) - 상남자 Boy In Luv [Romanization/Hangul/EngTrans/IndoTrans]

Annyeonghaseo Chingu...
Kali ini Lia mau ngeposting Lirik Lagunya 상남자  Boy In Luv - BTS.
dan postingan yang lalu Lia juga udh ngasih beberapa info tentang kambeknya BangtanBoys aka BTS kan.
oke deh sekarang Lia kasih kalian Lirik Lagunya plus english trans and Indonesian trans.


[Jung Kook] doegopa neoui oppa
neoui sarangi nan neomu gopa
doegopa neoui oppa
neol gatgo mal geoya dugo bwa
[V] wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
heundeuneun geonde heundeuneun geonde
[Rap Monster] appa, [Jung Kook] appan daeche eoddeohge
[J-Hope] eomma [Jung Kook] hante gobaekhan geonji
[Rap Monster] pyeonji [Jung Kook] rado sseoya doelleonji
[J-Hope] mwonji, [Jung Kook] ni apeseo nan meonji
[Rap Monster] gwaenhi tiktikdaego
ssikssikdaego jingjingdaege dwae
naneun jinjihande
jjijilhage sibina geolge dwae
mwonde singyeong sseuyeo
da keun nal aero mandeureo
geokkuro dwijibeulkkyeo,
inyeoneul yeonineuro
[J-Hope] daehakggajido neorang gandamyeon
cham jal gal geot gata
ganadaramabasaa hakunamatata!
ddokgateun peuropil sajin
wae jakku hwaginhalkka
geureohdago chakgakhajima
swiun namja anya
[V] andal nasseo na andal nasseo
[Jung Kook] niga mwonde?
[V] neoman jallasseo?
wae nareul jakku nollyeo nollyeo
neo ije geuman hol’ up hol’ up
[Jung Kook] ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[V] niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
[Jimin] ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[Jimin] niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
[V] wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
heundeuneun geonde heundeuneun geonde
[Suga] geoteuron bad bad girl,
sogeun deo bad bad girl
na gateun namjal nohchimyeon
huhoehage doel geol
mesinjeo hwaginhaenohgo
nureuji anhneun neoui haengwi
“il” jari eobseo jimgwa dongsie sokman
taji nebigeisyeonina salkka bwa
(ppareum ppareum ppareum) eopilharyeogo
gyesok nan (adung badung badung)
jinsim? (I got ‘em) dwissim? (I got ‘em)
naega yuilhage gajji mothan geon
neoui (areum areum daum)
[Rap Monster] i naega eoddeohge
byeonhamyeon doegetni, hol’ up
mildang? eojang?
geureon geo nan jal molleo
daesin apeumyeon
irilgu malgo nal bulleo
niga ullamyeon ureo,
useuramyeon useo, gureuramyeon gulleo
[Jin] andal nasseo na andal nasseo
[Jung Kook] niga mwonde?
[Jin] neoman jallasseo?
wae nareul jakku nollyeo nollyeo
neo ije geuman hol’ up hol’ up
[Jung Kook] ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[V] niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
[Jimin] ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[Jimin] niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
[Jung Kook] doegopa neoui oppa
neoreul hyanghan naui maeumeul wae molla
[Jin] nareul moreun cheokhaedo chagaun cheokhaedo
[Jimin] neol mireonaejin mothagesseo
[Jin] doegopa neoui oppa
neoui namjaga doel geoya dugo bwa
[Jimin] naui maeumi nege datorok
[Jimin/Jung Kook] jigeum dallyeogal geoya
[Jung Kook] ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
nae mami neol nohchigi jeone ([Jimin] nohchigi jeone)
[Jin] Say what you want
Say what you want
[V] niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya
[Jimin] ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone
[Jimin] nae mami neol nohchigi jeone
[Jin/Jimin] Say what you want
[Jin/Jimin] Say what you want

[Jimin] niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

되고파 너의 오빠
너의 사랑이 난 너무 고파
되고파 너의 오빠
널 갖고 말 거야 두고 봐

왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데
왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데
왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데
흔드는 건데 흔드는 건데

아빠, 아빤 대체 어떻게
엄마한테 고백한 건지
편지라도 써야 될런지
뭔지, 니 앞에서 난 먼지

괜히 틱틱대고 씩씩대고 징징대게 돼
나는 진지한데 찌질하게 시비나 걸게 돼
뭔데 신경 쓰여 다 큰 날 애로 만들어
거꾸로 뒤집을껴, 인연을 연인으로

대학까지도 너랑 간다면 참 잘 갈 것 같아
가나다라마바사아 하쿠나마타타!
똑같은 프로필 사진 왜 자꾸 확인할까
그렇다고 착각하지마 쉬운 남자 아냐

안달 났어 나 안달 났어
니가 뭔데?
너만 잘났어?
왜 나를 자꾸 놀려 놀려
너 이제 그만 hol' up hol' up

꽉 잡아 날 덮치기 전에
내 맘이 널 놓치기 전에
Say what you want
Say what you want
니가 진짜로 원하는 게 뭐야

꽉 잡아 날 덮치기 전에
내 맘이 널 놓치기 전에
Say what you want
Say what you want
니가 진짜로 원하는 게 뭐야

왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데
왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데
왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데
흔드는 건데 흔드는 건데

겉으론 bad bad girl, 속은 더 bad bad girl
나 같은 남잘 놓치면 후회하게 될 걸
메신저 확인해놓고 누르지 않는 너의 행위
"1" 자리 없어 짐과 동시에 속만 타지 네비게이션이나 살까 봐
(빠름 빠름 빠름) 어필하려고 계속 난 (아둥 바둥 바둥)
진심? (I got 'em) 뒷심? (I got 'em)
내가 유일하게 갖지 못한 건 너의 (아름 아름 다움)

이 내가 어떻게 변하면 되겠니, hol' up
밀당? 어장? 그런 거 난 잘 몰러
대신 아프면 119 말고 날 불러
니가 울라면 울어, 웃으라면 웃어, 구르라면 굴러

안달 났어 나 안달 났어
니가 뭔데?
너만 잘났어?
왜 나를 자꾸 놀려 놀려
너 이제 그만 hol' up hol' up

꽉 잡아 날 덮치기 전에
내 맘이 널 놓치기 전에
Say what you want
Say what you want
니가 진짜로 원하는 게 뭐야

꽉 잡아 날 덮치기 전에
내 맘이 널 놓치기 전에
Say what you want
Say what you want
니가 진짜로 원하는 게 뭐야

되고파 너의 오빠
너를 향한 나의 마음을 왜 몰라
나를 모른 척해도 차가운 척해도
널 밀어내진 못하겠어
되고파 너의 오빠
너의 남자가 될 거야 두고 봐
나의 마음이 네게 닿도록
지금 달려갈 거야

꽉 잡아 날 덮치기 전에
내 맘이 널 놓치기 전에
Say what you want
Say what you want
니가 진짜로 원하는 게 뭐야

꽉 잡아 날 덮치기 전에
내 맘이 널 놓치기 전에
Say what you want
Say what you want
니가 진짜로 원하는 게 뭐야

English Translate

I want to be your oppa
I’m so hungry for your love
I want to be your oppa
I’ll have you, just watch

Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Shaking up, shaking up

Dad, just how exactly
Did dad ask Mom out?
Should I write you a letter?
What is this? I become like dust in front of you

You make me so angry and mad for no reason
I’m serious but you make me into a loser
who picks fights with you
Why do I care so much about you?
You’re making a big boy act like a little kid
But I’ll turn things around
From just knowing each other
to becoming lovers

If it’s with you,
I think I can go to a good college
ABCDEFGH Hakuna Matata
Your profile picture is the same
but why do I keep checking it?
But don’t misunderstand,
I’m not an easy guy

I’m getting nervous, I’m getting nervous
Who are you?
Are you that great?
Why do you keep teasing me?
Just stop now, hold up, hold up

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Shaking up, shaking up

A bad bad girl on the outside,
an even more bad bad girl on the side
If you lose a guy like me,
you’ll regret it
You checked my text message
but you’re not pressing send
The “1″ disappears, making me so anxious
Maybe I’ll buy a GPS navigation
(Quickly quickly quickly) I keep trying
to appeal to you (trying trying trying)
Genuine feelings? (I got em) Endurance? (I got em)
The only thing I don’t have
is your beauty beauty beauty

How should I change
for you? (hold up)
Playing mind games? Two-timing?
I don’t know how to do that
But if you’re ever sick,
don’t call 911 but call me
Tell me to cry, I’ll cry, tell me to smile,
I’ll smile, tell me to roll around, I’ll roll around

I’m getting nervous, I’m getting nervous
Who are you?
Are you that great?
Why do you keep teasing me?
Just stop now, hold up, hold up

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

I want to be your oppa
Why don’t you know my heart for you?
Even if you ignore me
Even if you act cold, I can’t push you out of my mind
I want to be your oppa
I will be your man, just watch
So that my heart can touch yours
I will run to you right now

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?
Indonesia Translate
Saya ingin menjadi oppa Anda
Aku sangat lapar untuk cinta Anda
Saya ingin menjadi oppa Anda
Aku harus Anda , hanya menonton
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Mengguncang , mengguncang
( Dad ) Hanya bagaimana tepatnya ayah meminta ibu keluar ?
Haruskah saya menulis surat ?
Apa ini ? Aku menjadi seperti debu di depan Anda
Anda membuat saya begitu marah dan marah tanpa alasan
Aku serius tapi Anda membuat saya menjadi pecundang , yang mengambil perkelahian dengan Anda
Mengapa saya peduli begitu banyak tentang Anda ?
Kau membuat anak bertindak besar seperti anak kecil
Tapi aku akan membalikkan keadaan
Dari hanya mengenal satu sama lain untuk menjadi pecinta
Jika itu dengan Anda , saya pikir saya bisa pergi ke perguruan tinggi yang baik
ABCDEFGH Hakuna Matata
Gambar profil Anda adalah sama tetapi mengapa saya terus menerus mengecek itu ?
Tapi jangan salah paham , aku bukan orang yang mudah
Aku mulai gugup , aku mulai gugup
Siapa kau ? Apakah Anda bahwa besar ?
Kenapa kau terus menggodaku ?
Hanya berhenti sekarang , tunggu , tunggu
Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkan Anda pergi
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Apa yang Anda inginkan?
Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkan Anda pergi
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Apa yang Anda inginkan?
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Kenapa kau mengguncang hatiku ?
Mengguncang , mengguncang
Seorang gadis buruk buruk di luar
Seorang gadis yang buruk bahkan lebih buruk di sisi
Jika Anda kehilangan orang seperti saya , Anda akan menyesal
Anda memeriksa pesan teks saya tapi Anda tidak menekan send
The " 1 " menghilang , membuat saya begitu anxious1
Mungkin aku akan membeli navigasi GPS
( Cepat cepat cepat ) Saya terus berusaha untuk menarik Anda ( mencoba mencoba mencoba )
Perasaan yang tulus ? ( Aku punya em ) Ketahanan ? (Aku punya em )
Satu-satunya hal yang saya tidak miliki adalah kecantikan Anda beauty kecantikan
Bagaimana saya harus berubah untuk Anda ? ( tahan )
Bermain permainan pikiran ? Dua - waktu ? Saya tidak tahu bagaimana melakukan hal itu
Tapi jika Anda pernah sakit , jangan menelepon 911 tapi panggil aku
Katakan menangis , saya akan menangis , memberitahu saya untuk tersenyum , aku akan tersenyum , katakan padaku untuk berguling-guling , aku akan berguling-guling
Aku mulai gugup , aku mulai gugup
Siapa kau ? Apakah Anda bahwa besar ?
Kenapa kau terus menggodaku ?
Hanya berhenti sekarang , tunggu , tunggu
Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkan Anda pergi
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Apa yang Anda inginkan?
Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkan Anda pergi
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Apa yang Anda inginkan?
Saya ingin menjadi oppa Anda
Mengapa kamu tidak tahu hati saya untuk Anda ?
Bahkan jika Anda mengabaikan saya
Bahkan jika Anda bertindak dingin , saya tidak bisa mendorong Anda keluar dari pikiran saya
Saya ingin menjadi oppa Anda
Aku akan menjadi pria Anda , hanya menonton
Sehingga hatiku dapat menyentuh Anda
Aku akan lari ke Anda sekarang
Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkan Anda pergi
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Apa yang Anda inginkan?
Pegang erat-erat sebelum aku menciummu
Sebelum hatiku memungkinkan Anda pergi
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Katakanlah apa yang Anda inginkan
Apa yang Anda inginkan?
see you again Chinguu... 
This is flower for you grils from Jungkookie XD